Got into the creek bottom and set up on a hot bird this morning. Hens fired up, he got hotter. Tried calling the hens in to pull him to us. Fifteen minutes pass and the hens are still cutting up a storm on the roost. One flies off, the gobbler gets down and gobbles. Two minutes later he's gone in the opposite direction well over 100 yards.

We thought, dang that was fun but we couldn't make a move on him given the terrain and the flock of hens between us.

Not two minutes later, one fires off behind us. We call, and he cuts us off less than 75 yards away. I had to move and got closer to the creek assuming he wouldn't want to cross. Five minutes pass and he gives me a shot along the creek at about 40 yards. Got damn soaked up to my rear crossing that creek but it was worth it.

First Georgia bird and first double beard. It never gets old.
7/8" spurs, 10" and 6" beards.

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