Looks like it got the whole herd. That's a bunch of muleys. I'm seeing numbers from 68 head to over 100.


Found this on a Bowsite forum:

This Fall a very grim discovery was made at Bishop Pass. So far about 68 dead deer (and counting) have been found near the switchbacks on the Bishop side of the pass. Pictures here (which were taken before the recent storm):


There are some theories as to why this happened, but it looks like since their usual pre-winter migration path over Bishop Pass still has snow, the deer were trying a route unfamiliar to them and were falling in the large icy talus field to the left of the hiking trail.

Shepard Pass also has a large number of dead deer in a talus field.

Every Fall the high country deer migrate to their winter ranges in the Owens Valley. The Bishop Pass animals were probably trying to get to their winter range in Round Valley, north of Bishop. Very sad, indeed.