My grandfather passed away two years ago next week. He and I were very close and shared a love for his farm and the outdoors. I was lucky enough to spend one last week with him about a month before he died. His passing took a piece of me and I could not bring myself to return for the funeral. I decided to go back this fall and visit the gravesite for the first time and to try an kill a deer off of his cattle farm in southwest Missouri. I had opportunities to go on "bigger, better, and badder" deer hunts, but this trip was really pulling me to it.

Got there on the Friday before rifle season opened on Saturday. First stop was by the cemetery to spend some time with the man who taught me so much. Afterwards, I went to the farm for a quick scouting trip Friday evening. Saw a buck tending a doe in a thicket and could tell he might be a shooter, but couldn't get a full look at him. Hunted a different spot Sat AM and then slid in around lunch to set up a ground blind. Figured he would be in the same area still tending or starting his search for another doe.

Talked to my Aunt mid day and she told me how cool she thought it was that I was out there hunting his place and even if it wasn't as good of hunting as I wanted she hoped I would kill something. After that conversation, I knew something was gonna die. My Grandfather was quite the character and was raised in a much different time. His motto was always "I don't cull anything" and after talking to the guy handling the cattle, I knew if that buck showed himself again it would be the last time.

Slid in the blind about 230 and there was something especially peaceful and settling about the hunt. About 415 I saw the doe in a clearing about 230 yards away and 30 seconds later here he came. I never question whether he was the deer or not, I knew this one was for Grandad. He stopped to check a scrape and I let the 300wm eat at 218 yards. He ran about 20 yards and ate dirt.

This was an experience I will never forget. From the time spent after the kill talking with Grandad and the Good Lord above, to the brown liquor drink we shared sitting on the ground next to the kill, I wouldn't trade any of it for a 200" buck. Closure comes in all ways, shapes, and forms and is attained differently for everyone. This is my closure and I can say I am now at peace with losing someone who meant so much to me. I know Grandad was smiling down on that one, the experiences we have in the outdoors are what make the memories, not the numbers and/or the score.

9pt Dressed out 171lbs
