Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
nice work....

so, tell us. after experiencing two amazing "firsts" like that. what was the difference? I am just curious.

Obviously, you are "new" to hunting. You killed two fine deer with different weapons in different situations. Many that I know of switched to the bow after getting kind of bored with a rifle. You cant be bored yet!! So, i'm just curious, from your perspective, what you perceived different about each experience.
I have been hunting most of my life, but my grandfather sold his farm when I was about 13 and could really start to get into it. I picked up bowhunting my freshman year of college because I got permission to hunt some land but could only bow hunt it. Killed quite a few does just and passed up some bucks just wanted to kill a nice one for my first.

The first was much easier honestly. I was hunting with one of my buddies from college so all I did was show up and they told me they had been seeing a few different shooter bucks on camera at this stand. Funny thing was this buck had never been on any of there cameras, so I can thank the rut for him.

Second was a lot harder to kill, Sunday I went and scouted and found a rub line with a few so fresh the sap hadn't even dried yet, so I threw a lock on about 20 yards from the freshest one and gave it a few days. Walked back in last night once the wind was finally right and used a drag tag. He followed straight up the drag line and to the tag hanging in a tree and then tried to chase a few does about 40 yards in front of him. I stopped him at 21 yards and watched my arrow go straight through him. He smashed into a tree about 30-35 yards from where I shot and never got. I was fired up after that