I would just like to take a moment to commend the three fellas with the amazing hunt style in Busy Park salt waterside last night. You know who u are. I am certain you heard my shouts of praise and what seemed like uncontrollable excitement as you drove your white 16 foot tiller steer fibergass boat withing about 30 foot of me....on plane.... to turn around and put what I can only describe as a "super sneak" while running wide open on gator about 30 yards in front of me....If only he woulda stayed up another 15 seconds Im sure you could snagged him with your rod since you are above the use of a trolling motor. No big deal, I wasnt hunting that gator ...The gator I was hunting for my half crippled father in law that was with me was resting peacefully on the bottom. I had only been working that gator about 20 minutes when you rounded the corner in Cowboy fashion and he blew out like a bumped grass carp..I knew I should of had the father in law shoot at 25 feet but I was certain I could get him closer since he has trouble pulling the bow back. no problem though, I hope yall had a great time the rest of the evening...It was enjoyable to listen to your outboard change RPMS as you bounced from one uncooperative gator to the next. Hope you have better luck next time...I really hope you stay in the cooper as Im heading elsewhere fora little peace and quiet.
Your fathers must be so proud.....