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Thread: CUDU

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    DC / Athens, GA / Lowcountry


    Clemson Univ. Ducks Unlimited will have our spring event tomrrow night at 6 pm... at Tiger Park, next to Esso. $20 per ticket, all you can eat and all you can drink... there wont be an auction or a raffle, just two bands and a lot of fun. A regular banquet will happen next fall... call me, pm me, e-mail me or do whatever if you need a ticket.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    and $25 at the door
    Man and other animals were first vegetarians; then Noah and his sons were given permission to eat meat: “every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you” Genesis 9:3

    "A man may not care for golf and still be human, but the man who does not like to see, hunt, photograph or otherwise outwit birds or animals is hardly normal. He is supercivilized, and I for one do not know how to deal with him." Aldo Leopold


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