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Thread: ZZ Top & Lynyrd Skynyrd

  1. #1
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    Default ZZ Top & Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Today. Sing along, get along, and rock along.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Was that today?
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  3. #3
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    Linda Loo said hi.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    They should rename them “Black 38 special”

    Ricky Medlock has gotten pretty good at the Allen Collins parts but he is Blackfoot. Apparently he played drums at a hand full of concerts back before Skynard blew up and they tout that as him being an original member.

    Jonny VanZant is 38 special he has a much different sound than Ronnie had.
    Ronnie was more rough and southern draw the hinterland concert is a good example.

    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The G


    Your music acumen is impressive, SW.
    - "My dad used to tell me that nothing good happens when you take your AR to an out of town riot. Or maybe it was that nothing good happens after 1:00 in the morning. I can't remember any more." - Wob

    - "Any thought of romance went out the window when I saw the Ohio plates" - Squirrel Master

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kershaw South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    They should rename them “Black 38 special”

    Ricky Medlock has gotten pretty good at the Allen Collins parts but he is Blackfoot. Apparently he played drums at a hand full of concerts back before Skynard blew up and they tout that as him being an original member.

    Jonny VanZant is 38 special he has a much different sound than Ronnie had.
    Ronnie was more rough and southern draw the hinterland concert is a good example.

    Ricky Medlocke played drums when Bob Burns quit the band from 71 to 72. Bob Burns was the original drummer.

    Jonny Van Zant was a solo artist. Donnie Van Zant was in 38 special.

    I saw them in on the 87 tribute tour . Ed King came back and Allen Collins was there in a wheelchair. That was the closest they ever were to the original band now they're basically a tribute band. But for 6 years they put out some damn good music

  7. #7
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    ^^^ I saw them after the plane crash. Ronnie's brother sang the vocals.

    They closed the show with Freebird, put Ronnie's hat on.the microphone and played without any vocals.

    The crowd went wild.
    Last edited by scatter shot; 03-17-2024 at 06:22 PM.

  8. #8
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    When the 4 guitarist played it was music to this old guys ears.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huntinjunkie View Post
    Ricky Medlocke played drums when Bob Burns quit the band from 71 to 72. Bob Burns was the original drummer.

    Jonny Van Zant was a solo artist. Donnie Van Zant was in 38 special.

    I saw them in on the 87 tribute tour . Ed King came back and Allen Collins was there in a wheelchair. That was the closest they ever were to the original band now they're basically a tribute band. But for 6 years they put out some damn good music
    Collins Rossington??? And if I recall Jonny and Donnie flip flopped several times about like Ricky and Bob-in the beginning. And I don't care about either of them on drums....Artimus was the man for LS. He got jammed up with some BS charges of child molestation. I'm the first to berate those engaged in that activity. However after a slight bit of research it was clear to me the x was using law fare before those after Trump were. Something to the effect he was giving the grandkid/kid a bath and the X said he was sexually aroused? I dont know I wasn't there. Guy seems genuinely committed to a "clean" life style other than weed, and I guess that is clean, one could make the argument the meds Dwane Allen OD on the first time are clean in that they it was derived from a plant, and had been from at least Egyptian times.

    Alcohol comes from fermenting plants, is that natural and thus clean, too? I dont know.

    Dude had a cool restaurant in Florida. Not sure if he still owns it or not. Decent food.

    King was a heck of a guitar genius. He was Xanax to Ronnie. Ronnie, just let the alcohol over ride his better judgment. Such a shame.

    Jimmy Page actually thought Rush would be the successor to Zeppelin... Getty cant hold a candle then or now to Robert plant. And Getty aint no John Paul Jones. So obviously Page was chasing the dragon when he made that statement. Such great bands in that era, but if one had raw talent in the Zep territory, it was probably LS. I think they got dismissed by the English bands because of the draw, but at least int the case of LS they were fantastic musicians.
    Last edited by Silentweapon338; 03-17-2024 at 10:14 PM.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  10. #10
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    Kershaw South Carolina


    I see stuff now and then about Artemis he's still around and playing. He can't quit talking about surviving the plane crash. They pretty much kicked him to the curb when he was charged with molestation. I think he took some deal to avoid a trial and has to register as a sex offender.

  11. #11
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    I believe that is correct on the plea. I thought they had kicked him out before that? I remember seeing the Artimus Pyle Band when I was 16 and suing a fake ID to get into "Murphy's" way back in the day!

    You're definitely right on him talking about the plane crash. He popped up on my YouTube feed about 3-4 weeks ago. He was still talking about it, looked like he had ditched his "healthy diet" he bragged about all the time. Looked like he had put on some serious weight.

    I need to make a correction. It was Donnie singing with Johny on his original record. Johny did hang around with 38 while he was trying to break into the industry. I found a clip of Johny singing at 1 show. No video just audio.

    I still think Medlock is heck of a guitarist. I cant figure out what the whole deal is with him letting those young guys use the Blackfoot name? I see he plays every so often, but that doesn't sound anything like the original Blackfoot.

    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot


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