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Thread: Opening day BS (long read)

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Maggie Glover View Post
    My new neighbor on the lake, from the Pacific NW, volunteered to me this spring that she preferred that I not cut or remove my hedges because "she rather enjoyed the privacy." In two months' time, I did. Her brother, who lives at her house rent-free after retiring from the Navy as a commander, met me at the fence and told me that I had f*cked him because now the morning sun comes directly in his window and ruins his sleep. I 100% thought he was being sarcastic. A couple of minutes later, it was clear that he was 100% serious. At least they do not have horses. We are not the same. MG
    Be a good neighbor and amazon him some black out curtains.
    "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

    "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MolliesMaster View Post
    Be a good neighbor and amazon him some black out curtains.
    Least he could do after screwing with him.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bownut View Post
    Least he could do after screwing with him.
    Tell me about it. Where has all of our southern hospitality gone?

    Maybe invite them over for some coon bbq and a little polite backyard wrestling, none of the olympic crap but WWE style like a good southern fella ought to. Make them feel welcomed.
    "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12

    "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Summerville, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by MolliesMaster View Post
    Be a good neighbor and amazon him some black out curtains.
    I'd give them a pass on their first transgression but if they persist I'd mount 4-5 floodlights on that side of the house.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Maggie Glover View Post
    My new neighbor on the lake, from the Pacific NW, volunteered to me this spring that she preferred that I not cut or remove my hedges because "she rather enjoyed the privacy." In two months' time, I did. Her brother, who lives at her house rent-free after retiring from the Navy as a commander, met me at the fence and told me that I had f*cked him because now the morning sun comes directly in his window and ruins his sleep. I 100% thought he was being sarcastic. A couple of minutes later, it was clear that he was 100% serious. At least they do not have horses. We are not the same. MG
    Probably a SWO Fag. Ask him if he is and report back.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sullivan\'s Island


    I've always believed that if you want a house with a view, you need to also buy the view.

    The house I live in was front beach when it was built. There are two blocks of houses on accreted land between the house and the ocean now. I can glimpse the ocean from the roof.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    The last thing this world needs is another damn horse.
    Hear, Hear!
    "George Washington didn't use his freedom of speech to defeat the British, he shot them."

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    Probably a SWO Fag. Ask him if he is and report back.
    Zero doubt that dude a a surface fleet turd.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Kershaw South Carolina


    It has nothing to do with a horse it's the fur baby mindset. The shooting probably won't bother the horse. I've killed deer in my horse pasture with the horse standing there. They get used to it.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    No way I'm catering to that garbage. I'd have a polite upfront conversation like you did and then notify DNR of the situation after the first altercation. But I can assure you I'm not going out of my way to notify them when and how I use MY property.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    my how times have changed...
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sullivan\'s Island


    All this horse talk reminds me of an old joke.

    A yankee carpet bagger came down south and wanted to go on a self guided deer hunt from horseback. He asked around town to see if he could find a horse to rent. He was directed to an old Geechie man who had a few horses available. The yankee asked, "Can I shoot off of this horse?" The old Geechie man answered," Yassuh, yassuh, you can shoot off dis horse."

    So the yankee mounts up and takes a ride through the woods and, low and behold, comes up on a nice buck standing broadside. He whoas his horse, slides his rifle out of the scabbard, lines up and fires. The horse immediately starts bucking like a rodeo bronco and throws him on the ground.

    When he gets back to town and confronts the old Geechie man. He yells, "You told me I could shoot off the horse!" The Geechie man replied, "Yassuh, yassuh. You can shoot off him. You just can't shoot on him."
    Last edited by Palmetto Bug; 09-07-2023 at 07:14 AM.

  13. #73
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    FloVegas SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto Bug View Post
    I've always believed that if you want a house with a view, you need to also buy the view.

    The house I live in was front beach when it was built. There are two blocks of houses on accreted land between the house and the ocean now. I can glimpse the ocean from the roof.
    Craziest part about my situation is that I increased their view of the lake. It was a big hedge (think >30' tall) of Red Tips that refused to die like every other Red Tip in SC. I knew I was in trouble when the new owner showed up in a Subaru with Oregon tags. MG
    Dum Spiro Spero

  14. #74
    Join Date
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    Gobbler's Knob, GA/ Bamberg,SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Maggie Glover View Post
    Craziest part about my situation is that I increased their view of the lake. It was a big hedge (think >30' tall) of Red Tips that refused to die like every other Red Tip in SC. I knew I was in trouble when the new owner showed up in a Lezbaru with Oregon tags. MG
    F**K Cancer

    Just Damn.

  15. #75
    Join Date
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    Camden SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Huntinjunkie View Post
    It has nothing to do with a horse it's the fur baby mindset. The shooting probably won't bother the horse. I've killed deer in my horse pasture with the horse standing there. They get used to it.

    This here…

  16. #76
    Join Date
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    Monticello, AR


    Quote Originally Posted by Huntinjunkie View Post
    It has nothing to do with a horse it's the fur baby mindset. The shooting probably won't bother the horse. I've killed deer in my horse pasture with the horse standing there. They get used to it.
    Exactly correct. Horses are meant to work. They serve a purpose and are not a lap dog. You can love on them but at the end of the day their purpose is work. These same people are the ones that show up to shows, rodeos, trail rides, etc. and expect everyone around them to change what they’re doing to accommodate a horse that hasn’t been conditioned to that level of stimulation. No ma’am we will not tell everyone to leave the arena and silence the music just because your horse can’t handle it.
    For the ducks

  17. #77
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by PBiz View Post
    If you took a tourney bass fisherman and put he/her in kayak..
    This aint fair because anyone in a kayak when they have other options available will hold one til the swelling goes down.

  18. #78
    Join Date
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    united states of america


    They will brush their teeth with a dick

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I'll give you my experience and maybe you can learn something from my 15 years of dealing with a dipshit neighbor. I bought land where my house now sits in 2008 from a distant cousin and this land has been in family since the devil was a little boy. Said dipshit was given 1.5 acres from his dad directly across the dirt road from me around the same time. He and I are very distantly related....probably like 8th cousins, so all of this dirt has been in our family forever. However, he was born and raised in downtown Columbia. Upon being gifted his 1.5 acres he decided it would be cool and quaint to bring his wife and move out to the country. He quickly found that living in the country is great until its time to do country shit. He built his house within 35' of a dirt road, across which sits a 40 acre field (part of which I bought) that has been worked for the better part of 200 years. Complaints from him started the first time I crunk a tractor to bush hog and escalated from there. He really got butt hurt when the dove shoots rolled around. Cops were called multiple times every year. At one point, he told me he'd have my field shut down which I took as a threat. I figured he'd be out there dumping corn/wheat at night (I hadn't built my house there yet) so I responded to him that I'd have a game warden there at daylight the next morning (day before opening day) and if one piece of bait was found in my field. Ofcourse he sees me follow through the next morning and decides to come join us and play the victim to the game warden, which he did not buy. At one point I told the game warden to either remove the trespasser from my property or that I was. Eventually, all of this escalated to him strategically placing security cameras all over his postage stamp lot in a way that you literally cannot be on my property without coincidentally being in the background of his videos. I've caught him numerous times videotaping my kids in the yard playing, my wife cutting grass, etc to the point that I had to stage events and belly crawl through corn/sunflowers so that I could catch him videoing my kids with my phone camera. Basically I had to video him videoing us which made me feel stupid. The important part here is that all of this (and much more.....y'all would love to see the texts/voicemails/etc I've saved over the years because I know this stuff will come to a head one day) is that this was during and after YEARS of me trying to "do the right thing." I invited him and his son to shoot for 4-5 years in a row, never shot in the mornings, would give him a weeks heads up before we were shooting, not crank a tractor in the field until after 9:00 (he actually asked me to stop plowing at 8:30 on a Wednesday one time because "people are trying to sleep") or after 7;30 in the evening (because "his daughter goes to be early"), cut his grass for him numerous times when his mower was broke (while he bitched that my 5 year old was riding his bike on his property watching me cut his grass), etc, etc, etc. Essentially, I went above and beyond 1000 times what I would have ever thought I would do to keep peace with a neighbor.

    During the time I've lived there, I've had two other neighbors complain about me shooting doves. Both times, after a discussion with them and an explanation as to what we were doing, they both apologized and I haven't heard a word from them since. My advice to you would be to extend that common courtesy exactly 1 time.....let them know a few days beforehand that you're shooting. If they respond correctly and reasonably, your problem is likely solved. If they don't respond correctly, you will likely have a long term problem that you'll just drag out for years if you keep trying to keep the peace. Regardless, I would go ahead and talk to a gamewarden about it and get in front of that potential problem, just in case they were to try to bait your field etc.

    One more'll have every badass you know telling you I'd do this and I'd do that. No they wouldn't. When you have a neighbor like I have, or just dealing with people like that in general, I've determined that there are really only two ways to deal with them and stop the problem. I also determined that both of those ways likely wind up with me going to jail. So for the past two years I've simply ignored him. He tries to call me, I don't answer. I don't respond to his texts or him trying to flag me down going down the road. I have blocked from my mind that he even exists in my day to day world. If he wants to call the cops/gw on me for something, I'm not doing anything illegal anyway.

    Hopefully you can extend a little extra courtesy and your problem will go away. But if not, don't get into chasing your tail trying to appease them because the more you concede, the more they'll want.

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by SCSwitchback View Post
    This aint fair because anyone in a kayak when they have other options available will hold one til the swelling goes down.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    They will brush their teeth with a dick
    Cute ways of saying, "I exceed the weight limit for a kayak but at the same time don't have the arm strength to paddle one."


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