Dove season. Dogs. Heat.

All good things but combined can turn ugly. Be cognizant of your dogs and be prepared should things go south.

Have a way to get your dog cool before he/she gets too hot. Invest in a cheap rectal thermometer and know how to use it. Don't go looking for a way to help after the doodoo hits the fan. Assume it's going to happen, have everything available and be happy you were over prepared should you not need to use it.

KNOW where you're going to take the dog should things go south. Driving around panicked trying to locate the nearest emergency clinic is a waste of valuable time. Again; BE PREPARED.

Some tips and guidelines should you need them...

Body temperature may be elevated because of an infection (fever), but it may also increase because of hot and/or humid conditions outside. An increased body temperature caused by environmental conditions is commonly referred to as hyperthermia, heatstroke, or heat prostration.

A dog’s normal body temperature is 101.5°F plus or minus 1 degree Fahrenheit, and any time the body temperature is higher than 105°F, a true emergency exists. Heatstroke generally occurs in hot summer weather when dogs are left with inadequate ventilation in hot vehicles. However, heatstroke may also occur in other conditions, including:

When an animal is left outdoors in hot/humid conditions without adequate shade.
When exercised in hot/humid weather.
When left in a car on a relatively cool (70°F) day; a recent study from Stanford University Medical Center found the temperature within a vehicle may increase by an average of 40 degrees Fahrenheit within one (1) hour regardless of the outside temperature.
Other predisposing factors may be obesity and/or diseases affecting a pet’s airway. Keep in mind that prolonged seizures, eclampsia (milk fever), poisonings, and many other conditions may cause hyperthermia. Also, brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds (Pekingese, Pug, Lhasa Apso, Boston terrier, etc.) may suffer from “ineffectual panter syndrome” which results in an increased body temperature that may be fatal.

Initially, the pet appears distressed and will pant excessively and become restless. As the hyperthermia progresses, the pet may drool large amounts of saliva from the nose and/or mouth. The pet may become unsteady on his feet. You may notice the gums turning blue/purple or bright red in color, which is due to inadequate oxygen.

What to Do

Remove your pet from the environment where the hyperthermia occurred.
Move your pet to a shaded and cool environment, and direct a fan on him.
If possible, determine rectal temperature and record it.

Place your pet in a cold water bath (or in the shower) without submerging their heads. You can utilize ice cubes in water if you have them and are not near a bathtub.

The only part I do not agree with. Water is an insulator and no matter the temp it will not reach the fine insulating coat and it will only trap heat. Airflow, alcohol on the ear pinnas and bottoms of feet are your best tools.

You may also wet the ear flaps and paws with cool water. Directing a fan on these wetted areas will help to speed up evaporative cooling. Transport to the closest veterinary facility immediately.
What NOT to Do

Do not over-cool the pet.
Most pets with hyperthermia have body temperatures greater than 105°F, and a reasonable goal of cooling is to reduce your pet’s body temperature to 102.5-103°F while transporting them to the closest veterinary facility.
Do not attempt to force water into your pet’s mouth, but you may have fresh cool water ready to offer should your pet be alert and show an interest in drinking.
Do not leave your pet unattended for any length of time.
Beginning the process of cooling the pet immediately is extremely important. Cool or cold tap water is suitable.

Severe hyperthermia is a disease that affects nearly every system in the body. Simply lowering the body temperature fails to address the potentially catastrophic events that often accompany this disorder. A pet suffering from hyperthermia should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

I don't work on weekends or holidays and you dang sure better not NOT invite me to a dove shoot then have the gall to call me about a dog issue from said shoot. That's just rude and tacky.

But I know me and despite being left out of the fun and inner circle cool kid stuff I'd still help the best I could. Even toofer.