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Thread: Everyone is getting on the train

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Columbia, SC


    congrats, Glenn. A major accomplishment for Trump.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    “Get out among the mountains and trees, friend, as soon as you can. They will do more for you than either man or woman could.” Theodore Roosevelt to John Muir after his wife's passing in 1905.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    congrats, Glenn. A major accomplishment for Trump.
    Thanks, Toof.

    We all MAGA this morning.

    Making Agriculture Green Again.

  4. #24
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    If North Korea allows outside validation, then fine, and I’ll have no problem saying some of y’all were right.

    They’ll have no problem being able to see that we stood down on joint exercises. They are more than just a show of force. It’s about maintaining readiness and proficiency.

    I believe in being totally hawkish on both N Korea and Russia. They are enemies by their own choice and actions. Assasinate Chub Rock and let South Korea expand.
    Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Rocketman saw the writing on the wall and heard voices saying "this T-Rump Prez is going to kill you and seeks a regime
    change, just look at what happened to Sadaam and Kadaffi, you are next"

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    united states of america


    Just because you say stupid shit about football doesn't mean you only say stupid shit

  7. #27
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    Senior WH Official Describes the Trump Foreign Policy Doctrine In Only Three Words: 'We're America, B***h'
    KAYLEE GREENLEE | JUN 11, 2018 | 2:55 PM

    Note: This article contains coarse language that may offend or disturb some readers.

    Over the last few months, Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, has asked officials and friends of President Donald Trump to describe the Trump Doctrine.
    Third Place

    According to Goldberg, the third-best description of the Trump Doctrine was given by a senior official a few weeks ago, “No Friends, No Enemies.” The official noted that Trump doesn’t think the United States should be part of any alliance at all.

    The official elaborated, “We have to explain to him that countries who have worked with us together in the past expect a level of loyalty from us, but he doesn’t believe that this should factor into the equation.”
    Second Place

    Goldberg awards the second-best description to a senior national-security official who said, “Permanent destabilization creates American advantage.”

    The official discussed Trump’s belief that keeping both allies and adversaries “perpetually off-balance” is to America's advantage.

    First Place

    The best response to this question came from a senior White House official Goldberg reports to have 'direct access' to the president.

    Goldberg approached the official with doubts about the early existence of a Trump Doctrine. The official reassured him by stating, “There’s definitely a Trump Doctrine.”

    When the official was asked for a description of the doctrine, he added, “The Trump Doctrine is 'We’re America, b***h.' That’s the Trump Doctrine.”

    When Goldberg asked the official to explain this idea they answered, “Obama apologized to everyone for everything. He felt bad about everything.”

    The official said that Trump, “doesn’t feel like he has to apologize for everything America does.”

    Another senior official labeled the doctrine as “We’re America, b*****s,” alluding to the 2004 movie “Team America: World Police’s” theme song “America, F**k Yeah!”

    The official also said, "The president believes that we’re America, and people can take it or leave it.”
    A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.

    Theodore Roosevelt; 26th president of US (1858 - 1919)

    “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity” Sigmund Freud

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Florence, SC


    We're America, bitch.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Stormy Daniels and all this winning. What's not to like? How could anyone possibly not get on this train?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    This is from a post dated April 28.

    It popped up on my FB feed today and I read it through the prism of the NK summit. Charles Krauthammer (who will be sorely missed) raises some excellent points on Trump's thinking and actions.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

    April 28

    "Charles is back, (partially), after many months of battling post surgery complications and enduring lengthy rehabilitation. Please read his message about Trump, about whom he has not been kind at times with his observations. This article is interesting for all who may want to see what Dr K has analyzed during his lengthy absence…
    This is from Charles Krauthammer who did not go for Trump, read what he thinks of him now!

    Charles Krauthammer's interesting take on Mr. Trump:

    To my friends "of a different persuasion" I'm not trying to sell anything or anyone but I do feel this is an interesting take on our very controversial president who I truly believe is not Republican or Democrat.


    A different take on Donald Trump: (a non-political agenda)
    Trump Is Not A Liberal or Conservative, He's a "Pragmatist." (Definition: A pragmatist is someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and doesn't let emotion distract him or her.)

    We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation varied from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics. At one point, reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative, to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative. I said that I neither view nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative. I stated it was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn't see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality that should be admired and applauded, not condemned. But I get ahead of myself.

    Viewing problems from a Liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata.

    Viewing things according to the so-called Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending and globalism to the detriment of American interests and well being, denial of what the real problems are, Weak, ineffective, milquetoast, leadership that amounts to Barney Fife
    Deputy Sheriff, appeasement oriented and afraid of its own shadow. In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the ass of the Democrat Party.

    Immigration isn't a Republican problem, it isn't a Liberal problem, it is a problem that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of America. It demands a pragmatic approach not an approach that is intended to appease one group or another.

    The impending collapse of the economy wasn't a Liberal or Conservative problem, it is an American problem. That said, until it is viewed as a problem that demands a common sense approach to resolution, it will never be fixed because the Democrats and Republicans know only one way to fix things
    and the longevity of their impracticality has proven to have no lasting effect. Successful businessmen like Donald Trump find ways to make things work, they do not promise to accommodate.

    Trump uniquely understands that China's manipulation of currency is not a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It is a problem that threatens our financial stability and he understands the proper balance needed to fix it. Here again, successful businessmen, like Trump, who have weathered the changing tides of economic reality understand what is necessary to make business work, and they, unlike both sides of the political aisle, know that if something doesn't work, you don't continue trying to make it work hoping that at some point it will.

    As a pragmatist, Donald Trump hasn't made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through at Carl's Hamburgers.

    I argue that America needs pragmatists because pragmatists see a problem and find ways to fix them. They do not see a problem and compound it by creating more problems.

    You may not like Donald Trump, but I suspect that the reason some people do not like him is because:
    (1) he is antithetical to the "good old boy" method of brokering backroom deals that fatten the coffers of politicians;
    (2) they are unaccustomed to hearing a president speak who is unencumbered by the financial shackles of those who he owes vis-a-vis donations;
    (3) he is someone who is free of idiomatic political ideology;
    (4) he says what he is thinking, is unapologetic for his outspoken thoughts, speaks very straightforward using everyday language that can be understood by all (and is offensive to some who dislike him anyway) making him a great communicator, for the most part, does what he says he will do and;
    (5) he is someone who understands that it takes more than hollow promises and political correctness to make America great again.

    Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk about fixing America is like listening to two lunatics trying to "out crazy" one another. Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Marco Rubio are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers, corporations, and big dollar donors funding their campaigns. Bush can deny it, but common sense tells anyone willing to face facts is that people don't give tens of millions without expecting something in return.

    We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us? Are we better off today or worse off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?

    I submit that a pragmatist is just what America needs right now. People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance, but that is common among those who have never accomplished anything in their lives (or politicians who never really solved a problem, because it's better to still have an "issue(s) to be solved," so re-elect me to solve it, (which never happens) and those who have always played it safe (again, all politicians) not willing to risk failure, to try and achieve success).
    Donald Trump put his total financial empire at risk in running for president and certainly did not need or possibly even want the job; that says it all. He wants success for the U.S. and her citizens because he loves his country."

    God Bless America!
    A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.

    Theodore Roosevelt; 26th president of US (1858 - 1919)

    “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity” Sigmund Freud

  11. #31
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  12. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Border of both Carolinas


    Thanks for the read, Jozie.

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    Clarendon County


    Quote Originally Posted by Mergie Master View Post
    Kim was being controlled by "someone" else. The media (mouthpiece) for this mystery group told all of us to hate Kim, he was crazy and evil. The good guys (military intel, military, SEALS) freed Kim up, they took out the power that was controlling Kim. That power did this by executing people in his own family, remember the uncle. Then the media told us Kim did it and Kim was letting dogs kill people. And we ate it up like good little automatons. Looking back at all that I'm ashamed that I fell for such BS.

    This was back in Nov. 2017, I tried to tell y'all about it but everyone just laughed. That also when the missile testing stopped and it's when this meeting was held in China with Trump, Xi and Kim. Now that Kim is free of this rogue evil group, for the first time in his life he is free. That's why he is traveling for the first time since he went to school in Switzerland. That's why his sister was escorted by Pence at the Olympics, that was an in your face to the deep state by the good guys. The Singapore meeting was a staged event (like a scripted movie) aka a trap. The deal was done already. That's why I was saying it was fake news when CNN said NK was saying harsh words (later confirmed as fake) about Pence. It was fake news, but I'm sure military intel planted it so CNN would run with it. So Trump played his part by saying he was balking on the meeting. It changed the narrative in the news, got peoples eyes off something else and made the rogue deep state hesitate in their plans. This gave military intel time to get all the details they needed on the deep state using their assets and the NSA (which Adm. Rogers cleaned up before he left. Remember he is the one that told Trump that his transition team was being tapped). As a matter of fact some of that NSA clean up bled over. Remember the car that the news said "tried to crash the gate" at the NSA. Sounds good but that ain't what happened, you can even tell by the car and lanes separated by concrete medias, that car was trying to get AWAY from the NSA building. Why? Because the military operative raided them and cleaned out the chaff. Oh you probably don't remember because the deep state changed the media narrative by shooting up a high school in Broward county a few hours later on the same day. That got the media and the people off of that little small disturbance at the NSA.

    By the way, the trap in Singapore worked to perfection. All the rogue operators that were sent there were rounded up. Military operators and another group was protecting Kim while all of it was going on. The other group has never lost a protected asset. You won't believe it when I say the name, but trust me, it's all true. The guy who was charged by our government to protect Kim in Singapore was none other than Erick Prince and his group, remember the former SEAL who founded Blackwater, yeah that guy. They have been neck deep in this stuff with Trump and the good guys since almost the beginning.

    Remember ISIS started withering and Antifa, BLM sort of went dead after Trump went to Saudi Arabia. The strings/funding was cut. That was oil money.

    Syria, the same rogue group including McCain wanted us to go to war with Russia, so they thought if they faked Asaad gassing his own people we would attack and Russia would counter attack. Remember Trump waited a week or so, saying he wanted more information? He wasn't lying, he was giving Putin's boys time to target the terrorist chemical facilities, ammo dumps, etc. Then he sent a B1 Lancer to hit 18 marked targets with missiles. Russia shot down most of the EU crap incoming (no matter what the news said very few of their made impact). The terrorists thought the big war had started and they headed out to take over the government, they ran smack into a bunch of pissed off Russian soldiers that were waiting for them. Word came out that it was a slaughter like hasn't been seen in generations, dead terrorist covered the ground. You may have noticed no Syrian airbases or military facilities were touch. Not much of an all out missile strike if you aren't targeting the military assets.

    Don't just read the damn news, read into the news, expand your thinking and research it. I could go on for a while, but I know y'all won't believe it and will laugh again, that's fine. You will learn in good time. "Most" of it (not all) will come out and your grandchildren will study this time in their history books. If they ask you about it just tell them, "Hey I didn't know it was going on. I was busy not paying any attention cause I just flipped it off to crazy talk."
    So you are saying wrestling is fake..?

  14. #34
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  15. #35
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  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    You may not be a liberal but you are echoing the talking points from MSNBC late night shows with that first post.

    Since the talks begin several weeks ago N Korea has:
    1 - stopped missile testing
    2 - stopped nuclear testing
    3 - destroyed a nuclear test site (already falling apart)
    4 - released 3 US hostages

    Since the talks begin US has:
    1 - halted military drills with S Korea. This is actually nothing since the next scheduled drills was several months from now. If Kim is not starting to hold up his end of the deal, then you flip a switch and go on with the drills that were originally scheduled. You have to really be drinking the liberal kool-aid to not see through their smoke and mirrors.

  17. #37
    Join Date
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    Tell it Brandon. CHOO-CHOOOOOOOOOO
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    Pee Dee


    Woo woo
    Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it, woo woo
    Come on, ride the train, hey, ride it, woo woo
    Come on, ride the train, woo woo, hey
    Ride it, woo woo
    Come on, ride the train
    Woo woo, hey, ride it, woo woo
    Come on, ride the train
    It's the choo choo, ride it, woo woo
    Come on, ride the train, it's the choo choo train
    Come on, ride the train, it's the choo choo
    Ride it, woo woo
    Come on, ride the train, it's the choo choo train

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Redstone Arsenal, AL


    Quote Originally Posted by BrandonWagner View Post
    You may not be a liberal but you are echoing the talking points from MSNBC late night shows with that first post.

    Since the talks begin several weeks ago N Korea has:
    1 - stopped missile testing
    2 - stopped nuclear testing
    3 - destroyed a nuclear test site (already falling apart)
    4 - released 3 US hostages

    Since the talks begin US has:
    1 - halted military drills with S Korea. This is actually nothing since the next scheduled drills was several months from now. If Kim is not starting to hold up his end of the deal, then you flip a switch and go on with the drills that were originally scheduled. You have to really be drinking the liberal kool-aid to not see through their smoke and mirrors.
    Being anti-Trump or against his policy doesn’t make one a liberal, contrary to what Kool-aid drinkers like you repeat without a second thought. You spent an entire paragraph unintentionally supporting my initial concern about this entire thing being a circus. As you stated, all of things done by N Korea occurred prior to the summit. So what was the return on investment that they gave? A pledge to work towards denuclearization. Read that sentence again, slowly. No start date, no timeline, not even a future timeframe of when to begin the development of a plan.

    You’re also correct about the timing of the joint exercises. However, Trump called the exercises provocative and suggested that we pull out of Korea. I’ll skip the part about him patronizing Kim about his high intellect and so on. I chalked that up to appealing to Kim’s. He also mentioned how Kim loved his country and people and admired him for that.

    So basically, what we got for that was nothing. Your smoke and mirrors. I did also mention that I would wait and see, until you popped in with your liberal label nonsense.
    Let’s review:
    1. Agreeing to a meeting with a hostile without any concrete concessions laid out beforehand: LIBERAL
    2. Clamoring for a communist leader to rejoin the G-7 because he deserves a chance: LIBERAL
    3. Admiring a man, or saying that you do because of how much he loves his country and it’s people, when in reality he’s a ruthless, sociopathic dictator who has murdered thousands of his own citizens and runs detainment camps full of hundreds of thousands of people: LIBERAL
    4. Telling the world ahead of time that not only does he plan to pull our troops out Korea in the future, but that he also considers our joint exercises with S Korea provocative: LIBERAL
    5. Tweets a dictator and thanks and praises him again, even though there’s been nothing but silence from fatboy and his country since Monday: LIBERAL

    I can vote for someone and still disagree with something that person has done. I can tell a friend or a family member that I think wrong without hesitation. It doesn’t make me less of a man. Doing the opposite does.

    Finally, I don’t drink kool-aid. Grape soda and gizzards bruh.
    Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Damn, do you expect him to solve everything in one 2 hour meeting?

    How many times did Reagan meet with Gorbachev? It all was not solved in the first hour.

    This is the first time that a sitting President has met with the sitting Leader of NK. He is dealing with a regime that has been in power 70+ years.

    The real world moves a bit slower than a 30 minute sitcom. Asia is a bit different than the Western world of instant gratification.

    and if Kim doesnt live up to the deal.......the wargames CAN be rescheduled. We have given up nothing but have offered an olivebranch....but reminded them that the arrows are still in the other talons.
    A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.

    Theodore Roosevelt; 26th president of US (1858 - 1919)

    “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity” Sigmund Freud


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