Thinking about getting rid of my personal phone and just going with company phone (the boss is cool with it).
It'll keep me from having to carry two around at time and save me $80 a month.
My biggest concern is being tied to the work phone at all times and not being able to take a break from it on the weekends and late evenings like I can now. Customers call/text at random times and now I just check the phone after hours at my convenience and get back with them in accordance to how urgent their need is.

Is there an app (or phone setting) that will allow me to split contacts into different categories and screen them accordingly. Like on weekends I could have customers set to where I don't even see a missed text or call until I go into the app or particular folder to check?

Is there anything out there like this or I am just going to have to choose to intentionally ignore texts and calls when I don't want to deal with them at certain times?