Bible Study Verse
II Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (NIV)

Spring and summer are wonderful times of the year. Everything is green and growing. As the seasons progress, flowers bloom, gardens grow and begin to produce, and the crops in the fields make progress toward the coming harvest. The wild creatures also enjoy a time of abundance. As the hens conclude the dangerous time of brooding their nests, they emerge with their poults. The little ones begin to grow! They chase bugs, and water from the dew on the plants or any other ready source. They grow! Some are lost. Predators take some young for their quarry. But, those that survive grow. This is God's way. Growth is natural, and designed by God into everything that is born, hatched, or sprouts. Growth is expected. That which is given birth moves on to maturity. (Jackie M)

Action Point
The Bible uses the term "the new birth" to refer to those who receive by faith the Lord Jesus as their own savior. They are born anew into a personal relationship with their Creator God. But sadly, many never move past their birth. They don't grow up. They just stay babies for life. This means that they do not realize all the promise and potential of the eternal love relationship with God. Nor can they join in his work in the world as they could if mature.

The Bible is described as food, and Jesus is described as the water of life. As we drink in the Word of God, fellowship with Christ in prayer, and learn more of him, we grow. The local church is designed by God to help us in this growth. The leaders and the people of the church are gifted and called to help new ones in the Lord move on to maturity. Be involved in a local church that lifts up Jesus and declares the Word of God so that you may grow. Also commit to daily devotions for input. The Sportsmen's Devotional is a tool that is designed to help in this process of growth.

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Don't handle wild young if you come across them. Your scent left on them may mean the mother will abandon them. They will never grow to maturity

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