Novice question here, I've been growing stuff for decades but I am used to an alkaline soil, where no soil amendments were really required. Just throw on horseshit and plant stuff.
Bought this place April last year and got a late plot in. Mostly experimental, some stuff did great, some not.
Anyway, I tilled last year's garden under today. Plan to layer with composted horse manure and till under. Then a layer of leaves, then a layer of straw(used bedding). Rake back the leaves and straw in the spring before tilling to plant.
My PH ranges from 3.5-4.5 but most consistently 4.0 with one upper end being lower. I believe topsoil was added when the house was built, which accounts for the higher readings, otherwise soil is Sandy clay.

My question is how and when should I apply lime? Broadcast after tilling? Till.into soil before adding leaves and straw? Or wait till spring and retest soil ?