So I decided to take my oldest boy out to see if I could find where I saw the aftermath of a deer/Prius collision last night, and maybe find the dead deer in the woods to confirm that it wasn't the buck I'm after. I could not figure out where exactly the collision happened, but we could not see any signs of a dead deer anywhere along that little road. Before heading home, we drove past my friends cow pond that had held some local mallards in the past when there was water in it. Its been dry all year, and there have been no ducks there. When we drove past, the pond was full from all the recent rain, and there was a pile of mallards on it. I stopped and told Holleman that they sure looked like migratory birds, and they looked huge and looked to be in late season form plumage-wise. I figured I'd catch up with them in a couple of weeks after I get burned out on bowhunting, and as I start to pull off, Holleman says, "Lets go get our guns and shoot them in the face." He's obviously been paying attention to the duck shows I've been watching. Well, 'nuff said! We hauled azz to the house, changed clothes, grabbed the SBE and the Red-Ryder, and headed back to the pond. After sneaking a big circle out in the field to get to a low drain, we snuck up, squeezed under a fence, snuck some more, and got ready. I told him to stand up, pick out one with a green head, and let him have it. He stood up, and as soon as I heard his gun "poing," the about 45 mallards rose en-masse off a 1/8 acre was beautiful. My first shot, I picked out a greened and dropped three! I let them spread a bit and picked out another green head and dropped him. Holleman gladly finished off the only one flopping with a nice BB to the head. Fun day...but he wants me to send the one he finished off down to Shanes!