Bible Study Verses
Ephesians 5:15-16
Be very careful, then, how you live -not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (NIV)

Last Spring, my oldest daughter and I were out turkey hunting for her first time. This hunt was the culmination of months of preparation and lots of target practice.

On the first day, she had a great opportunity to take a huge Tom. The beard was all the way down to the ground! Her heart was pounding as she prepared to take the shot. The turkey was at 18 yards, and a case of "turkey fever" had set in. In the excitement to get off a good shot, she grabbed the gun and looked down at the bead. She pulled the trigger; a couple of feathers flew into the air, and the Tom ran away. The best reason that we can determine for the missed turkey is that my daughter didn't look down the barrel from back to front. She shot looking only at the bead on the tip of the barrel without a rear anchor point.

When people are confronted with making an important decision, you'll hear them say, "How do you really know what God's will is?" Seeking God's will is similar to what happened to my daughter with her turkey - she only used the bead to gauge her shot. We didn't have a back sight on the barrel at the time. If she had used a back sight along with the front, she would have been firmly anchored on her target with a much lower margin of error.

In finding God's will, you must first know God's Word; secondly, trust in the Holy Spirit's leading; and finally, seek counsel from Godly people who truly know how you're wired. We may not always hit the mark in our Christian walk, but using each of these together will decrease the likelihood of making decisions that aren't God-honoring.
(Dave M)

Action Point
We live in a fast-paced world; and God's timing isn't always ours. Take time to utilize the tools God has given us to determine the right course of action - read the Bible, pray, and seek Godly counsel. Don't make your decision without doing all three in conjunction with each other. God will answer. Just make sure you have the time to listen!

Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
As much as we all like to hear stories of the successful hunt, the reality for many is that success comes through learning from failed opportunities. Remember, if you are outdoors with a young person, be patient and gracious with them. What's most important is that they have a good time and want to come back again to give it another whirl. Although my daughter missed the Tom, it's one of our favorite memories together. It was exciting, even without the bird!

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