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Thread: Dam Bill

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    dam failure or improper reservoir operation might result in the loss of human life

    Call it regulation but look what just happened in Cola.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    united states of america


    Everything can lead to loss of human life.

    Stop writing new laws. Good lord.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Greenville, SC


    I don't support this Bill. I'll work on some letters and calls tomorrow.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    dam failure or improper reservoir operation might result in the loss of human life

    Call it regulation but look what just happened in Cola.
    Not that I am in the know but didn't the first dam in the series that led to all the trouble belong to the federal government and therefore would not have been covered by this regulation.

  5. #25
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    Mar 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by DJP View Post
    I don't support this Bill. I'll work on some letters and calls tomorrow.
    Well don't waste your time with the House. The bill is now in the senate.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    Well don't waste your time with the House. The bill is now in the senate.
    Are you in support of this bill?

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Greenville, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    Well don't waste your time with the House. The bill is now in the senate.
    I understand. I saw that in your original post. Thanks for the heads up.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    I do not like the added regulation but dam owners do have some responsibility for the safety of others. I am owner of a dam of 200 acres with people immediately downstream. The dam just above ours almost failed, twice. I doubt our would have survived if it had.

    It has been watered down but was destined to pass the House at some level because the Speaker himself introduced it.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Manning, SC


    I can understand them monitoring big dams. DHEC should have been doing that. And population of an area should be a factor. IE stop messing with farmers and rural ponds to make a point when you are too afraid of the political fallout from the subdivision lakes.

    BUT, to create new permanent positions as a knee jerk reaction to a 1000 year flood is wasteful and what voters are tired of.

  10. #30
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    Mars Bluff, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    dam failure or improper reservoir operation might result in the loss of human life

    Call it regulation but look what just happened in Cola.
    Exactly. And no matter how many regulations are in place, govt or anyone else cannot defend against Mother Nature. Man has attempted time & time again but she continues to bitch slap them. All of these regs coulda been in place & the outcome woulda been the exact same. Army corp built the dam in Lumberton that broke & literally demolished the town of Nichols. I can tell you the people of Nichols read these bills & just shake their heads.

  11. #31
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    DHEC - the branch of government so completely inept that the only reason they could invent to come onto my farm in a regulatory capacity was to compell me to produce a permit, issued by DHEC, 30 years ago. Yes please, let's give them more regulatory oversight.

  12. #32
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    DHEC isn't capable of regulating a mud puddle efficiently as it is now you wanna grant them power to come knock on my door and tell me how to build something?

    No. No NO.

    I already delt with that little prick around Florence. He was so inept finally the Army Corps of Engineers told him in a official letter from the Corps:
    "Look dumb ass, clearly you are in over your head. We discovered you never even went to school and yet your parading around in a County truck telling folks what you think they should be doing in concern to wet lands. As the Federal agency that you will listen to we wanna know exactly how and what inference you utilize to come up with your findings." "Buy the way do not concat Mr SW338 again."

    I have the letter some were, the dumb ass part was me adding it but other wise it pretty much reads as that.

    So here is a Fed agency telling a overworked an undermanned state agency they don't even have qualified individuals working for them and you wanna give them more power.

    Hell, no. What ever asshole dreamed this shit up needs to have some bricks tied to his or their legs an hooped into said 3 acre pond along with the piece of paper this crap is written on.

    What contempt the GA must have for regular SC folks. Here last week y'all were bitching about money now your spending it on something that is totally unnecessary.

    What the hell is wrong with you all. Granted 180k would be a drop in the bucket for roads but it is still something rather than this misuse of funds.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Duck Tape,

    So, you are in support of this bill? I don't understand the justification. There's a lot of things we could do to save more human lives (and I'm not even conceding that this bill will do that but apparently that's the justification). For example, we could make cars a hell of a lot safer, but they'd be a lot more expensive, less fuel efficient, etc. Basically, "if it saves one life, it's worth it," just isn't a good justification in the real world. Any dam owner knows the consequences if his dam fails and someone or some property gets hurt/damaged. He'll get sued to hell and back, and, personally, I think that's adequate incentive for folks to do it safely. Will it work everytime? No. Will dams fail? Yes. But I would humbly submit that will happen whether or not you have the government involved. I'm not surprised that "Republicans" are supporting this bill b/c a lot of "Republicans" diverged from the conservative path a while ago. But how anyone who fashions himself as a conservative (I don't know if you call yourself that or not) could support this bill is truly beyond my comprehension. This is more government bureaucracy, more of our money, from a proven-inept agency, that will probably do very little to add any benefit to SC citizens at all. At the end of the day, folks either believe in limited government and personal responsibility, or...they don't.

  14. #34
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    DHEC can already make you comply with their regs without this bill. This bill requires you to monitor and annually report that you are doing your part as a responsible dam owner when peoples live are at risk.

    I don't like added regulation or more state employees. Nothing will prepare us for the 1000 year flood.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    DHEC can already make you comply with their regs without this bill. This bill requires you to monitor and annually report that you are doing your part as a responsible dam owner when peoples live are at risk.

    I don't like added regulation or more state employees. Nothing will prepare us for the 1000 year flood.
    Good. Well hopefully you can get your colleagues to vote against it.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    What is the average cost to existing pond owners that have to meet the requirements of the Dams and Reservoirs Safety Act?

  17. #37
    Join Date
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    Greenville, SC


    I just can't see how DHEC can determine which dams qualify for oversight without understanding the physical traits of every dam. This is a logical step towards registering every dam and pond in the state. It is also implies that DHEC to go onto your property and see if your dam qualifies. Lastly, one of the last saving grace's of the traditional farm pond is that existing dams and outlets are grandfathered in. This chips away at that freedom and puts us closer to a State where owning land with a pond is extremely difficult and expensive. I understand the point of the bill, but this is going to reach way past where it should.

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    This is what you call feel good legislation.
    It will not do anything to save one life.

    But what it will do is put idiots an assholes in charge of something they have no business looking at.

    This is horrible.

    What is the penalty for not complying?

    Roads are in shambles but we are gonna make sure farmer Brown has one more thing to worry about because we are from the gubment an we are here to help
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    DHEC can already make you comply with their regs without this bill. This bill requires you to monitor and annually report that you are doing your part as a responsible dam owner when peoples live are at risk.

    I don't like added regulation or more state employees. Nothing will prepare us for the 1000 year flood.
    Ok, I'm still not sure where you stand. You voted for it or against it?

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    A similar but more rigorous bill was introduced last year. I was able to water it down and hold it up.

    This year it was watered down even further. I made sure duck ponds were excluded. Despite sponsorship by the speaker himself, I objected and had it pushed over to the contested calendar. 9 others followed my objection. There are consequences to objecting to the speakers bill.

    After realizing the vote was not going to be close, having staff explain the bill, and my concerns were dealt with, I voted for it.

    I will live to fight another day.

    12/15/16 House Prefiled
    12/15/16 House Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural
    Resources and Environmental Affairs
    01/10/17 House Introduced and read first time (House Journal-page 115)
    01/10/17 House Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural
    Resources and Environmental Affairs
    (House Journal-page 115)
    01/18/17 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Crosby
    01/26/17 House Committee report: Favorable with amendment
    Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental
    Affairs (House Journal-page 2)
    01/31/17 House Requests for debate-Rep(s). Lowe, Hill, Anthony,
    Murphy, Toole, DC Moss, Bales, Weeks, Douglas,
    Ott, Finlay, Atwater, Magnuson, Pope
    (House Journal-page 33)
    02/01/17 House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Lowe
    (House Journal-page 40)
    02/01/17 House Amended (House Journal-page 42)
    02/01/17 House Read second time (House Journal-page 42)
    02/01/17 House Roll call Yeas-104 Nays-3 (House Journal-page 44)
    02/02/17 House Read third time and sent to Senate
    (House Journal-page 31)
    02/02/17 House Roll call Yeas-102 Nays-1 (House Journal-page 31)
    02/02/17 Scrivener's error corrected
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.


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