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Thread: to in a hurry.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    Don't have a ton of time to post too much this am. But here is a buck using a site just done yesterday. He loves the stuff like candy. He had been traveling almost 800 yards (both ways) a night to go eat out of a bucket that still had some left then would come back to this field to feed all night on the food plot..Crap load of smaller bucks and does too. But here for your viewing pleasure. Great potential!
    that buck on the left makes my putter rise- MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM looks tasty

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    I see this. He mentioned something about wanting to be hired for management purposes or something.

    Dirty SOB trying to cut into your deer
    I am rank like that, Your book just turned into a story about a Midget Boykin eating the rack off a 200 incher by the way..
    Genesis 9;2

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Florence, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Strick9 View Post
    I am rank like that, Your book just turned into a story about a Midget Boykin eating the rack off a 200 incher by the way..
    That is getting way too personal for some folk

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    York Co


    Silenteapon, what are your thoughts on feeding cottonseed to deer? it's big in TX. like crack they say

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    We tried that one year. We bought a whole tractor trailer full of it.

    I would hardly call it crack around here.

    How ever they will eat it once you get them use to it.

    We stopped because it seems like if I recall there is something in the Cotton seed that can effect sperm quality, and antler density. That didn't really turn me on.

    Seems like there has been some research since that counters what I said, but I haven't kept up with it all that well.

    We even had it taken out of our deer protein pellets at the time.

    We have added it back in but very small amounts it tends to help hold the pellets together when moisture becomes present. But the bulk of the protein is derived from peanuts and soy beans, in our mix. We aren't shooting for the moon, just a good 21%.

    As as side note if you are starting out with protein use a 18% to get them use to it and then go up to a 20-21%. I've fed 24%, and even some 28%, the 28% was high as camel cooter, and hard to reliably get. It had apples blended in to make it palatable. They ate that better than the did 24%. The 24% was more like the 21% we are currently running. But they would not eat either of those as well as the 21%. So in my opinion if I can get them to eat more 21% that is better than a little 24%.

    We have one spot called the Cabana they will eat 150lbs every 7-10 days out of it. It is out in the middle of a field, beside a ditch, but they love that place! Dark thirty hits and they come out the wood work to get too it. We have pics of 11 deer standing around the troff, it is under a shed we built, hence the name the Cabana. There is 11 standing around and a buck standing in the troff to get to the feed!

    We usually run it right up until Sept 15th. The doe will bypass the corn to feed on the protein, the bucks usually give up and go with the corn, by then.

    We just filled them up this am. We had let them run out for a bout a week, but I bet they will be on it by tomorrow morning!

    Most of the other sites are about 75lbs a week.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Petville Township SC


    Just make Griffin carry a midget boykin with him next time he comes up.
    Molon Labe
    HRCH Coal's Sparkleberry Cache MH


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